Scientific support for what we already know is coming...

Sunday, April 18, 2010 TM

Loved One Please,

If you've ever heard and believed anything I've said- Please at least listen to this download. Shalom everyone. Please, please download this message and listen. A dear sister sent this and I downloaded and listened.

IF you believe the BIBLE at all you must hear this message. Scientists are discussing an approaching Neutron star (emits no light) and now it's close enough to be detected and followed by many. Our solar system is being greatly affected. (Mars now has magnetic poles whereas this was not true until recently) According to this interview it is interacting with the Sun and destroying our war/defense satellites and things are soon to get really serious. Could it be a hoax or misinformation? One can only hope so. Can we prepare? You bet we can. Shalom and let's make ourselves ready...

Interesting interview with Benjamin Baruch

-you'll need to download this to listen to it-
-don't worry, it's small-

Download Audio, Click Here

Its worth the time to listen...
Tell me what you think after you hear it...