April 7, 2012
Shabbat Shalom Loved One! (Passover April 6 SUNDOWN remember to remove all leaven- breads, crackers etc. from your home! The Passover Haggadah-Seder, the NEW ANNUAL TORAH CYCLE, and the Omer Count are all attached for printing and available at the website below)
www.shabbatshalomlovedone.blogspot.com Torah Studies; visit www.seedtime2harvest.com for free video and audio presentations build trust in our coming King!
Today will be a very different Shabbat Shalom Loved One! Since it is PASSOVER and the start of UNLEAVENED BREAD week- I have attached for this week’s study my cousin Eddie Rogers’ work for a great Passover Seder- much of the rabbinical adds are removed. Also I have attached this week the yearly Torah Cycle for 2012-2013. Additionally a 3rd attachment is Eddie’s work on Feast dates for this year- Hallelu-YAH!
Again, some have asked why we are on a different schedule of the Torah Cycle than the mainstream and the Orthodox. For me it is about restoration of all things- which sometimes means walking alone. I start over annually when YHWH’s year starts over; this is not to say that I am correct and others are wrong, YHWH forbid that goofy thinking, I just happen to believe we will never challenge our older brother Judah by following his traditions. I expect Judah will be moved by our obedience to His Torah (Words of Scripture) and seeing YHWH’s signs and wonders following our obedience-
Does the statement above mean we are not to grab the tzitzit of Yehuda and take hold and learn from them? Of course not, we absolutely should learn of them and from them- just not ingest and keep that which is traditions that go against His words! Especially since we are the ten (Ten scattered northern tribes who are still scattered for Easter and sun god day worship which parallels closely as a pig slop eating prodigal brother)
Let’s look once again together; (Zechariah 8:22) ‘And many peoples and strong nations shall come to seek יהוה of hosts in Yerushalayim, and to pray before יהוה.’ (Zechariah 8:23) “Thus said יהוה of hosts, ‘In those days (Now? YES and from here forward!) Ten men (Ten tribes scattered) from all languages of the nations take hold, yea, they shall take hold of the edge of the garment of a man, a Yehuḏite1, saying, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that Elohim is with you.” ’ ” Footnote: 1John 4:22.
Here’s a quick summary reminder of who we are Loved One- WE ARE the dry bones coming together that we may live! Hallelu-YAH!
(Ezekiel 37:1) The hand of יהוה was upon me and took me out by the Spirit of יהוה, and set me down in the midst of the valley. And it was filled with bones. (Ezekiel 37:2) And He made me pass among them, all around, and see, there were very many on the surface of the valley, and see, they were very dry. (Ezekiel 37:3) And He said to me, “Son of man, would these bones live?” And I said, “O Master יהוה, you know.” (Ezekiel 37:4) Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and you shall say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of יהוה! (Ezekiel 37:5) ‘Thus said the Master יהוה to these bones, “See, I am bringing into you a spirit, and you shall live. (Ezekiel 37:6) “And I shall put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, and cover you with skin and put a spirit in you, and you shall live. And you shall know that I am יהוה.” ’ ” (Ezekiel 37:7) and I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I prophesied, there was a noise, and there was a rattling. And the bones came together, bone to bone. (Ezekiel 37:8) And I looked and saw sinews and flesh came upon them, and skin covered them, but there was no spirit in them. (Ezekiel 37:9) He then said to me, “Prophesy to the spirit, prophesy, son of man, and you shall say to the spirit, ‘Thus said the Master יהוה, “Come from the four winds, O spirit, and breathe on these slain, so that they live.” ’ ” (Ezekiel 37:10) and I prophesied as He commanded me, and the spirit came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, a very great army. (Ezekiel 37:11) And He said to me, “Son of man, these bones are all the house of Yisra’ĕl. See, they say, ‘Our bones are dry, our expectancy has perished, and we ourselves have been cut off!’ (Ezekiel 37:12) “Therefore prophesy, and you shall say to them, ‘Thus said the Master יהוה, “See, O my people, I am opening your graves, and shall bring you up from your graves, and shall bring you into the land of Yisra’ĕl. (Ezekiel 37:13) “And you shall know that I am יהוה, when I open your graves, O My people, and bring you up from your graves. (Ezekiel 37:14) “And I shall put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I shall settle you in your own land. And you shall know that I יהוה have spoken, and I have done it,” declares יהוה.’ ”
Loved One, I pray you have a blessed Passover and a time of checking ourselves for leaven (SIN) this week as we remove all bread and leaven from our houses and lives! Also, so that we are not judged by our Heavenly Father that we may truly JUDGE OURSELVES! That we may each repent quickly wherever we miss and stumble, and the snares set by hasatan- all miss us. I further pray we ALWAYS forgive and speak forgiveness and blessings on those who do and have done evil against us. They need our love of the Father (Our obedience) to break forth and come to our King! This is how they will recognize us; that we have love for one another and our King! It is the LOVE of YHWH that draws men to repentance- not our knowledge! Loved One, I pray YOU and I make every effort to love the Creator according to His desires and not our learned ones that are filled with pagan ritual both in Churchianity and Judaism. I pray you gain an ear to hear Him and the courage to obey Him! Thanks for your continued prayers for me- they are cherished- and I thank you! Thank you! And THANK YOU! You really are cherished and much loved!
Shalom to your heart and home Loved One!